Suomen tutkimussukelluksen ohjausyhdistys - Finnish Scientific Diving Steering Association

FSDSA (English)

This is the domain of the Finnish scientific divers. FSDSA is the national representative of Finland at the European Scientific Diving Panel. You are also welcome visit us in Facebook for recent events and links!

Welcome to dive for science in Finland!

Legal status of scientific diving

There is a professional examination for scientific diver that follows the standard for Advanced European Scientific Diver (AESD). Whether it is necessary to hold a professional SD certificate, depends on the employer or head of the unit responsible for the SD activity. Certificates that comply with the ESD and AESD standards are generally accepted, but a check-out dive is a common practice for new members joining a SD team.

Medical examinations

Medical examinations obtained in other countries apply also in Finland, as long as they comply with the local level of scrutiny. The examinations for professional diving are generally valid for 12 months, but in special cases, such as scientific diving, the doctors may extend the validity up to 36 months.


If you are employed to dive by a Finnish employer, you are automatically covered by a statutory accident insurance. However, it is a good idea to remind the employer to declare your work profile to the insurance company to avoid any penalty fees. If you are working with a grant or acting as a volunteer, you need to get an insurance yourself.

Decompression issues

The choice of decompression planning method is for the team leadership to decide, based on a risk assessment. Diving computers are generally used during dives.

First Aid

All divers must have a valid first aid (CPR) qualification for treating diving casualties. Dive mission leaders need to have an advanced level (Finnish Red Cross Level 2) qualification. All SD team members also need to have a training for all he first aid equipment available, including oxygen administration to diving accident casualties.

Breathing gas

Air diving limit for professional scientific diving is dependent on the risk assessment and the divers’ qualification. The Professional SD certificate allows diving down to 30 meters with air. Mixed gases may be used according to the qualifications and risk assessment.


Volunteers may join SD teams, if accepted by the dive mission leaders. Finnish work legislation may consider volunteers as employees, if any kind of compensation such as food or accommodation is provided.

More information

The coordinating body for Finnish scientific diving is FSDSA. For any further questions concerning scientific diving in Finland, you can contact us (the board) by email
hallitus mark tutkimussukellus dot fi